Dog Training

  • What can I do when my dog pulls the leash?
    What can I do when my dog pulls the leash?
    43787 Views Liked

    One of the big problems for many dog handlers is not knowing what to do when their dog pulls the leash. However, the question here is that we make a reverse reading (very human, and not very doglike) of the situation: we ask ourselves what can I do when the dog pulls? instead of why does my dog pull the leash?

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  • What age is the right time to start training a dog?
    What age is the right time to start training a dog?
    62550 Views Liked

    Once the puppy has completed the first stages of its development (neonatal period, transition period and the first weeks of the socialisation period, between 21 days and 4 months), we can begin to educate it.

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  • How to gain the trust of an abused dog
    How to gain the trust of an abused dog
    21450 Views Liked

    Understanding how to gain the trust of an abused dog always begins with observing what we can perceive in their behaviour. Broadly speaking, a dog that has been abused will have gone through complex situations of fear, stress and frustration.

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  • Why is my dog aggressive towards other dogs?
    Why is my dog aggressive towards other dogs?
    20101 Views Liked

    Dog-to-dog aggression is one of the most common behavioural problems that dog handlers have to deal with, but it is often also a natural response to many situations.

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  • ¡Mi perro me ha mordido!
    ¡Mi perro me ha mordido!
    18797 Views Liked

    Una de las situaciones más frustrantes que puede vivir un guía canino es la agresión por parte de su perro. Mi perro me ha mordido es un tema tabú: nos avergüenza y, muchas veces, se culpa (injustamente) al animal.

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  • What time is the best to walk a dog?
    What time is the best to walk a dog?
    21194 Views Liked

    Walking makes the dog a dog. Walking allows the dog to get some exercise, to socialise and to develop appropriate hygiene habits, as well as being one of the greatest bond creators: playing, training, educating, good experiences…

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  • What should you play with your dog?
    What should you play with your dog?
    3090 Views Liked

    Playing is an essential part of life for any social animal, and dogs are no exception. Through play, dogs interact, learn and even establish their position in the group, creating strategies and behaviours that will last a lifetime.

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  • Is it bad to keep a dog indoors?
    Is it bad to keep a dog indoors?
    29152 Views Liked

    It is becoming increasingly common for dogs to live indoors: as part of the family. In recent decades, we have changed our habits, our relationship with animals and our coexistence with other domestic species. 

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Showing 1 to 8 of 12 (2 Pages)
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