Igual ya os habíais dado cuenta, pero en VeggieAnimals huímos de usar la palabra mascota, hace años que dentro del...
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Dejemos de usar la palabra mascotaRead more
VEGGIEANIMALS EXPERIENCE: Sita, Tesla, Bonobo y Molly Pam5406 viewsRead more
Today we are going to tell you about the experience of four cats that have been eating VeggieAnimals Plus for cats...
How is meat-based pet food made?Posted in: BLOG5296 viewsRead more
Meat-based pet food is a processed food for animals, commonly used for feeding dogs and cats. It is made from animal...
VEGGIEANIMALS EXPERIENCE: Grace, Bella and Dave5792 viewsRead more
We tell you the story of these three beautiful dogs and how healthy they are since they eat our vegan food...
Evolution of Dog Abandonment in Spain6236 viewsRead more
The abandonment of dogs in Spain is a persistent and alarming issue that has evolved over time. Although significant...
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WHY DOES MY DOG'S BELLY SOUND?404180 viewsIt is common in some dogs that suffer from frequent digestive problems, in the elderly or when they eat "the wrong...Read more
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WHY DOES MY DOG EAT ITS OWN FAECES?158098 viewsAutocoprophagy is a common thing in puppies that can continue as they grow or can appear later when they become...Read more
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Why does a cat shiver?130232 viewsTremors in cats are not a common occurrence, but depending on their health or the situations they have to face, they...Read more